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Friends of Allonby Canoe Club Liverpool is, as our name implies, a friendly club that always welcomes new members young (from the age of 8) and old (and every age in between), including paddlers of all ability levels from absolute novices to undisputed world champions.


We have a large club and are excellent with Junior development. We also have many Women members (50+); there are sessions for Women, led by Women highlighting our focus on this area. 


We run taster sessions that cost £5 per session (all inclusive), you can attend a maximum amount of 3 sessions before we recommend you become a member of our club. 


Membership categories

The membership year runs from the 1st April (whilst allowing existing members up until the 30th of April to renew) to the 31st March the following year, but new members joining after the 1st of January (within that membership year) their membership will carry over to the following membership year  - allowing up to 16 months of membership from 1st of January until the 30th of April the following year.



Junior - Aged 8 - 17 (£30)

Young Person - Aged 18-21, Or Full-Time Student (£30)

Adult - Aged Over 21 (£40)

Family - Immediate family, of which up to 2 can be paddling adults (£70)

Non - Paddling Member (£0)

Honorary Member (£0)

Active Coach Member - Subject To Approval (£0)


Boat Storage - £20 Per Boat


For renewing members, the age category refers to the age on the 1st of April 

If you need support with paying the membership fee or for the financial costs of participating with us then please contact a committee member, so we can see how we can support you.



What do I get for my membership?

The annual membership covers the use of our Collingwood Dock facility and connected waters throughout the year (subject to prevailing safety/supervision requirements), use of the Clubs Facilities which are accessibile, these may include: changing rooms, showers, toilets, galley, sitting room, including free use of the Club's boats and equipment for organised Club sessions. We also have free parking.


Also, you can join in with club river trips, pool sessions (Speke pool and Bootle pool) and join in with club members participating in competitions e.g. River Races, Canoe Polo and Slalom. We welcome paddlers of all abilitys from 8 years old.


We don't normally charge for coaching within the Club, equipment use, or for organised trips. However modest session fees are payable to cover the cost of Pool hire for our indoor general coaching (only payable when attending a pool session). Our coaches are qualified in accordance with Paddle UK guidelines/requirements. There are Canoe Polo coaching/games, sessions held all year round - yes that does include the winter. If you have what it takes to brave the cold...


Next step - become a member

Please fill in the form below to become a member, then - at the bottom of the page, continue to pay (Online Securely). 

Contact the Membership Secretary for more information.

If there is a problem with the below form, please click on the Alternative Membership Form Link.


If filling in the form in on a mobile, it may be best to fill in the form via the Alternative Membership Form Also

If you Have Not Finished Submitting Your Form And Actually Clicked A "Submit" Button Then Scroll Back Up To The Form. 

Only Pay When A Form Has Been Submitted. 

To Pay Online Securely Please Go To The Following Link:

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FOA Liverpool British Canoeing Quality Club Logo
FOA Liverpool British Canoeing Talent Champion Club Logo
FOA Liverpool British Canoeing Junior Champion Club Logo
FOA Liverpool British Canoeing #ShePaddles Champion Club Logo
FOA Liverpool British Canoeing Clear Water Clear Access (CACW) Champion Club Logo


Friends of Allonby Canoe Club, Liverpool is affiliated to Paddle UK (England); We Have Achieved The Quality Club And Champion Club Accreditations

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