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Canoe Polo - What is it all about?

Canoe Polo is a fun game - like basketball except in a boat.

The game is played competitively and for fitness - it is also a great way to develop boat control skills.
Come along to a training session and give it a go - you might even be paddling alongside a world champion!


Approximately 50% of our Club members have a keen interest in Canoe Polo and we have teams competing nationally at all abilities - from the elite level to beginner level. We do not only compete nationally but internationally. We often go to mainland Europe to compete - however in recent years members from our club have also travelled to Austraila, Canada, China (Multiple Times), And many more! Could that be you one day if you wanted... This is all OUR club has to offer. 


In 2004 the BCU Canoe Polo Committee introduced a new annual award for the "Top Canoe Polo Club in the UK" which was presented to Friends of Allonby for winning the Open, Ladies and Youth categories at the National Championships for the second time in three years. Our Club received this prestigious award for a second time at the 2008 BCU Club Championships

Our Achievements

Why don't you head over to our "Club Achievements" page to find out how good our club is - listing all the main (elite level) Canoe Polo Achievements by FOA and our members. Trust me it is an impressive record. So impressive to say that we challenge anybody to have greater achievements that we have! 


FOACCL - Logo 1
Paddle England Affiliated Club White.png
FOA Liverpool British Canoeing Quality Club Logo
FOA Liverpool British Canoeing Talent Champion Club Logo
FOA Liverpool British Canoeing Junior Champion Club Logo
FOA Liverpool British Canoeing #ShePaddles Champion Club Logo
FOA Liverpool British Canoeing Clear Water Clear Access (CACW) Champion Club Logo


Friends of Allonby Canoe Club, Liverpool is affiliated to Paddle UK (England); We Have Achieved The Quality Club And Champion Club Accreditations

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